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Looking Back: NYC Museum Replaces Teddy Roosevelt Statue With Negro Felon

Started by G.L.R., Mon 06 Feb 2023

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New York City's natural history museum has removed a Theodore Roosevelt statue

January 20, 2022

America now worships crime and criminals

The American Museum of Natural History in New York City quietly began removing a controversial statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt on Tuesday night in the final chapter of a saga that has stretched for nearly a year and a half. Only scaffolding and tarp remained. "The relocation of the Equestrian Statue from the front steps of the American Museum of Natural History began Tuesday," a museum spokesperson told NPR over email. "The process, conducted with historic preservation specialists and approved by multiple New York City agencies...

"Historic preservation specialists" removed statue

The statue will be stored in New York and prepared for long-haul shipping, and it is expected to be transported to North Dakota in the next few weeks. The bronze statue — officially named "Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt"— has towered outside the museum's entrance for some 80 years and became a source of local and national debate in recent years. It depicts the former New York governor and 26th U.S. president sitting on a horse, flanked by two shirtless, unnamed men. One is Native American and the other is of African descent.

The statue was commissioned in 1925 to stand on the museum's steps, since Roosevelt's father was one of its founders and Roosevelt himself was a "devoted naturalist and author of works on natural history,"... But it adds that the design itself "communicates a racial hierarchy that the Museum and members of the public have long found disturbing." Roosevelt's legacy — especially his views on race and support for the eugenics movement...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Anyone question that we are "worshipping crime and criminals"...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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