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'ISIS Terrorist' Killed By Biden Drone Was Actually An Aid Worker

Started by G.L.R., Sun 12 Sep 2021

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New York Times Obtains Security Footage Revealing "ISIS Facilitator" Killed by Biden Drone Strike Was Actually an Aid Worker Returning to His Family (VIDEO)

September 10, 2021


Central Command said a couple weeks ago that the U.S. had conducted a drone strike against ISIS in response to the Islamist terrorist group's suicide bomber attack at the Kabul airport that killed 13 U.S. service members. The Pentagon claimed two high-profile terrorists were killed and one other was wounded. "I can confirm, as more information has come in, that two high-profile ISIS targets were killed and one was wounded," Major General Hank Taylor said one day after the drone strike. However, Biden's Pentagon refused to release their names. Ten family members, including innocent CHILDREN were killed by Biden's drone strike. And the so-called "ISIS facilitator" that the US Military saw as an "imminent threat" was actually an aid worker returning to his family, according to the New York Times.

Security cameras show them carrying 'containers packed with explosives into their home'

New York Times reporter Evan Hill posted a series of security videos of (ISIS facilitator) Zemari Ahmadi, the man who was killed by Biden's drone strike. The surveillance footage shows Ahmadi was just carrying out his normal daily routine as an aid worker and the location of the "unknown ISIS compound" was actually an NGO's office. "The military said it believed Zemari Ahmadi's white Toyota Corolla, which it tracked by drone for eight hours that day, was packed with explosives. Security camera video we obtained showed him loading it with water containers for his home...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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