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Indiana Law Allows You To Protect Your Property From Unlawful Intrusion By Cops

Started by G.L.R., Fri 16 Dec 2022

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The Indiana law that lets citizens shoot cops

The  Hoosier State now allows people to use deadly force to keep public  servants from illegally entering their homes or cars. Police, of course,  are not pleased

Police officers in Indiana are speaking out against a new law that  gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves  against a public servant who oversteps his authority... the law  (signed in March by Gov. Mitch Daniels... It authorizes people to protect themselves or  their property by using deadly force in response to "unlawful  intrusion" by a "public servant." The measure is essentially just a  public-servant-specific amendment to the state's 2006 so-called Castle  Doctrine bill, which allows people to do whatever they have to to stop  someone from illegally entering a home or car. Indiana is reportedly the  first state to specifically allow the use of force against police. The  new rule was passed with a nudge from the National Rifle Association, which has pushed permissive gun laws around the country. The state Supreme Court had previously ruled that citizens had no  legal right to resist police officers, even in a case of unlawful entry...

Not  according to law enforcement officials, who lobbied against the bill.  They say it's wholly unnecessary, as Indiana was not exactly being  marauded by rogue cops. And now, anyone who's drunk or distraught might  think he has a legal right to shoot a police officer in a dispute. "It  just puts a bounty on our heads,"...  Sergeant Joseph Hubbard, for one, says he now worries that every time  he pulls over a car, the driver might shoot him and cite the law as  justification. "Somebody is going get away with killing a cop because of  this law."

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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