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Gateway Pundit & American Gulag Donate $30,000 To Biden's Jan. 6 Prisoners

Started by G.L.R., Fri 04 Feb 2022

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The Gateway Pundit and American Gulag Donate $30,000 to Persecuted Jan. 6 Prisoners and Their Families

February 4, 2022

The overwhelming majority of Biden's January 6th  political prisoners are peaceful patriots, mothers, fathers,  grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers whose crime was walking  into a public building to protest

Many of them were waved in.  The  emerging totalitarian uniparty decided to weaponize the DOJ and  persecute and make examples of Donald Trump/America  First/anti-oligarchy supporters following the January 6 protests. Gateway Pundit's  site features enormous amounts of information on each of the prisoners  and is constantly updated on a continuing basis, providing opportunities  to donate to the prisoners' legal funds, their lawsuits, where and how  to send them letters of encouragement, and news articles about their  situation....

Over the past several months The American Gulag raised over $80,000. In December the American Gulag and The Gateway Pundit donated $40,000 to several families and organizations who are suffering in the DC Gulag or are being persecuted by the Biden regime. This week we donated another $30,000 to several J-6 political  prisoners and organizations. The names include prisoners, Kyle F.,  Scott F., Felicia Konold, Jeremy Sorvisto, James Beeks, the Clarks,  Ethan Nordean, Jeremy Brown, Jake Lang, and one J-6 support  organization.  For the record, The Gateway Pundit is not making any income off of  this venture.  In fact, we have lost a bit of money here.  But we  recognize this is the right thing to do.  We can't allow Americans to be  jailed because they belong to the minority party in power.  Not in  America.  Not as long as we have a voice. We all need to be kind and help these patriots in their hour of  need.  Many more may be unjustly imprisoned in the coming months – at  root, for the crimes of objecting to the lies of the "Biden" Regime. ** Please donate to the AmericanGulag and the families of the Jan. 6 political prisoners here.

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