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For All Banned By Paypal For Their Politics An Alternative is Coming - Gabpay

Started by G.L.R., Thu 05 Aug 2021

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For All Banned By Paypal For Their Politics An Alternative is Coming....

August 4th, 2021

When Gab was banned from several banks earlier  this year it inspired us to get right to work building our own free  speech-friendly financial infrastructure.

When the financial censors came for  us, few stood up to defend us. We were told to "go build our own" if we  didn't like it, so that's exactly what we have been doing. Gab has been banned from Paypal since 2018 along with many other  payment processors including Stripe, Square, Coinbase, and more. We are even banned from accepting Visa and Mastercard despite operating a fully legal American business that sells software services and merchandise like hats, mugs, and shirts as our business model. Gab literally cannot accept credit or debit card transactions to sell you a hat on the internet. Thankfully we had options: checks and bitcoin. New and old technology coming together to defeat financial censorship. It's not perfect, but it works and we are about to take it to the next level...   we need to build an alternative economy...  If they want us out of their system, then so be it: we will build our  own.  At Gab we are making great progress on GabPay, our Paypal  alternative, as one of our many initiatives in the fight against the  tyranny of the global elites.

Quote from: a Happily Satisfied Gabber"I used GabPay to purchase a PRO subscription and  to also make a donation to help with the monthly fees that it costs to  keep Gab up and running. Both transactions were fast, seamless, and  secure" -

At the moment we are jumping through a lot of legal and regulatory hoops, but things are moving quickly. Building your own Paypal is not as simple as "build the software and ship it." The software side for  GabPay is actually done already and works great. It's the red tape that  takes time. An alternative to Paypal has never been more important now that the ADL will be combing through your financial transactions and ruining people's lives for financially supporting people and organizations they don't like. I'm actually really glad that Gab has been banned from Paypal for  years, because it protects all of our customers from the prying eyes of  the demons at the ADL. We are waiting on the lawyers to do their thing and aiming for a  launch by end of the year, but I just want you all to know that  something is actually being done about this madness. Everyone loves to whine and complain about Big Tech censorship, and politicians– including President Trump - love to raise money on the issue, yet no political or legal "solutions"  ever result in any concrete change...  Gab is the only  community with a proven track record of not bending the knee to groups  like the ADL and we've paid the price dearly for it by getting banned  from every app store, payment processor, and even banks because of it... If you want to help fund our efforts in building GabPay you can upgrade to GabPRO for 15 bucks a month or make a purchase/donation on the Gab Shop ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Gab is not for CREATORS. Gab left our posts alone, but deleted all of our images. Apparently the CHURCH OF CREATIVITY invokes Gab's sense of censorship ...

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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