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Democrats ONLY Able to Win By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws, Every Swing State

Started by G.L.R., Thu 11 Feb 2021

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MUST READ: Democrats Were ONLY Able to "Win" in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE

February 10, 2021

At midnight on election night, President Trump warned his supporters not to let Democrats "find any votes at 4 in the morning."
Democrat election violations: (left to right) Secret ballot counting in Georgia, Secret ballot deliveries at 3:30 AM in Detroit, Blocking observers from viewing inside the TCF Center in DetroitPresident Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by nearly 700,000 votes. In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes. In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes. Trump was also ahead in Georgia and Nevada. Trump already trounced Joe Biden in Ohio, Florida, and Iowa ... Then suddenly Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin announced they would not be announcing their winner that night... but perhaps the greatest crime was the lack of dual controls and chain of custody records that ensure a fair and free election. So when states inserted drop boxes into the election, these changes first needed to be updated through the legislature, which they weren't, and all movements from the time when the ballots were inserted into drop boxes needed to be recorded, which they weren't. Chain of Custody laws were violated across the United States to favor lawless Democrats. In Georgia the law requires that the chain of custody and the movement of all ballots be recorded. But Democrat operatives, the DOJ and FBI disregarded these laws in Georgia. Late at night on election night after the election officer in charge, sent all of the election observers and media home, instructed Democrat operatives to drag hidden ballot suitcases out from under the tables to be counted. There was no chain of custody.

Morning hours of November 4 when Democrats miraculously found 120,000 votes for Joe Biden
In Wisconsin drop boxes were added to the election process but not through the legislature, through the executive branch. In addition, another huge chain of custody issue occurred in Milwaukee where more than 100,000 ballots miraculously occurred. Late at night, a flash drive was lost in Milwaukee at the same time the votes were added to joe Biden's totals

In Michigan, there were several chain of custody violations. A city van delivered tens of thousands of ballots at 3:30 and 4:30 in the morning on election night.

On Tuesday, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes
Here too there are no doubt issues with chain of custody documentation but they also prevent poll watchers from seeing what they were doing in Philadelphia. Biden was down by nearly 700,000 votes on election night. This went on for days until Democrats were able to steal the landslide election from President Trump.

Again, no doubt there are chain of custody issues, and poll watchers were prevented from watching the election counting as well
Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar and other Republican officials were denied entry into the Maricopa County Elections Center as ballots were counted. Democrats were able to cheat behind closed doors, in the dead of the night and in dozens of counting centers in the 2020 election. Democrat operatives blocked access to GOP observers, and violated chain of custody laws across the country. The media ignored these violations. If Republicans ever want to win a national election they must enforce the chain of custody laws. Until this happens Republicans do not stand a chance against their immoral and cheating opposition. Read more ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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