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Biden Diverts Defense Dept From Foreign Threats To American Citizens

Started by G.L.R., Fri 23 Jul 2021

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Reports: Pentagon Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

July 21st, 2021

Reports circulating Tuesday reveal that the Pentagon is working with a contractor to track web searches that it describes as indicators of "white supremacy," citing the phrase "the truth about black lives matter" as one example.

Reports from Defense One and Fox News state that the Pentagon is working with a UK-based company called Moonshot CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) to uncover networks of domestic extremists within the military. Moonshot regularly works with the notorious ADL, and has ties to former President Obama, as well as the SPLC and George Soros' Open Foundation, according to the reports.

The Jew ADL started out with murder, and tried to pin it on two negroes

Moonshot suggests that searching for the "truth about BLM" indicates a belief "that the BLM movement has nefarious motives," which "is a disinformation narrative perpetuated by White supremacist groups to weaponize anti-BLM sentiment." The company further states that while the search phrase initially appears "innocuous," it isn't because the phrase has been used to suggest the BLM movement "is in line with the burning and looting of Antifa." "These sources echo White supremacist disinformation narratives alleging that BLM protesters are trying to 'overthrow the republic' and 'harm American citizens in a Marxist coup,'...

Kneeling as a form of appeasement

So labelling BLM Marxist means you are an extremist, even though the organisation's own website displays objectives are unequivocally in line with neo-Marxism, and its founders have described themselves as 'trained Marxists'. Appearing on Tucker Carlson's show Tuesday night, Vince Coglianese, the editorial director of The Daily Caller discussed the Moonshot contract with the Pentagon, and noted that there is a sustained move within the Biden government to label everything as domestic extremism. "It's completely out of control," Coglianese said, noting "Asking questions, now extremism.

The military is already taken over by LGBT

"Biden has gone much farther than any other president, however, to politicize every federal agency. And that includes, terrifyingly, the military," Carlson said, adding "Biden has directed the defense department, the department that is supposed to work on keeping us safe from foreign threats, to instead turns its attention on American citizens." "Notice he never defined white supremacy," Carlson said, adding "No one ever has. There is no actual definition for it. So it can apply to everyone who didn't vote for Joe Biden.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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