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American BLM Terrorists Support & Seek Partnership with Hamas - "Kill Whitey!"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 11 Oct 2023

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Blacks across the world are uniting with Hamas, fantasizing about cutting the heads off White babies and burning White families to death in their beds.

Why? Two Reasons:

1. Jews have spent the last hundred years telling Whites that Jews and Whites are the same, and only separated by a few measly religious differences. Jews are biologically different from White Europeans. Their biology has more in common with Backs than Whites. The Jews of course know this, but they nevertheless claimed an affiliation with Whites in order to gain power. Now that they have the power, Jews have reverted to the truth: Jews are NOT White people. The problem is, too many gullible Whites and practically all Blacks still believe the Jewish mendacity.

2. The People Of Colour (POCs) - Blacks and Browns are not Racialists like Whites, Asians and Jews. For them it's a simplistic Black skin good, White skin bad. Kill Whitey! Whether they are Australian Aborigine, African, African American or African British, North African Arabic or Semitic Muslim, Mestizo or whatever ... they see skin colour first and foremost. They are tribalists, but their hatred of White skin unites them all into one big Hate Group with a single goal: To kill the white skinned man.

And still the Jew manipulates both Black and White ... but the Black has slipped off its leash and is now biting the Semitic hand that feeds it. :-\

Black Lives Matter Organization Shows Support for Hamas Amid Terror Attack on Israel

Excerpt: Black Lives Matter organization showed support for the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Tuesday as the terrorist group launched the deadliest attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Black Lives Matter, which represents BLM chapters across the country, issued a lengthy statement "in solidarity with the Palestinian people."

Quote from: BLMBlack Lives Matter stands in solidarity with our Palestinian family who are currently resisting 57 years of settler colonialism and apartheid. As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarcerations in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world's biggest open air prison.

The organization also recognized what it claims are "clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people."

The ADL of course BLAMES WHITEY!

Black Lives Matter activists have a lengthy history of supporting Palestinian causes during times when Hamas has waged violent attacks on Israel.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.


Yes, this was all a false flag just like the Jew used 9-11 to get American kids killed on behalf of Israel to destroy Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon... And the Jew will never cease.

Raven Constantine



"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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