Patrick O'Sullivan v. Creativity
Trademark Issue: 2008-Current

Mr Patrick O’Sullivan of Melbourne, in the state of Victoria, Australia, has registered a trademark for the name 'Creativity Movement,' including the logo of Creativity) with the Australian Federal Government Trade Mark office.

Click here to view an Adobe PDF version of Mr O'Sullivan's trademark.

Legally, what does this mean for Creators and supporters of Creativity not part of Mr O'Sullivan's group?

To those outside of Australia, it means absolutely nothing. Australian trademark law does not extend beyond Australian shores.

The logo of Creativity is a religious symbol that was designed by the Founder of Creativity, Ben Klassen, and is used by Creators all around the world. It can not be owned by one single person or group. 'Creativity movement' is a term that was coined by Ben Klassen and included in Creativity’s foundation publication, Nature’s Eternal Religion. In it, Ben Klassen used 'Creativity movement' as a term encompassing all Creators, everywhere - no matter whether they were officially part of his church or any other Church of Creativity. 'Creativity movement' is also often used as a generic term by many groups, clubs, organisations and businesses that have nothing at all to do with Creativity. When used in names such as the 'Artistic Creativity Movement' or the 'Children’s Creativity Movement,' it is used as a generic term.

Therefore, Mr O’Sullivan’s registered trade mark is more or less as worthless in Australia as it is overseas, unless both the name and the logo appear together and – most importantly - in reference to his own particular group.

One must also be aware that although it may be construed that Mr O’Sullivan should be commended for protecting the religious symbol of Creativity from misuse by his registering it with the Australian Federal Government Trade Mark office, he should not.  Mr O’Sullivan has already threatened litigation and tried to make use of his trademark to have Creators that do not concur with his rather personal world view, removed from the internet and other social venues around the world.

We suggest that both Mr O’Sullivan and his trademark, be dismissed by all.

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