Family terrorised in their home
Michael Milnes, Police Reporter: The Advertiser | April 30, 2008,22606,23622428-2682,00.html
A NORTHEASTERN suburbs family was terrorised by four hooded men who broke into their house at 2.30am.
Early yesterday – as a man and woman were watching television while their children were asleep in bed – the four intruders broke into their house after forcing open a window.
One of the men, who was armed with a star dropper, ordered the couple to lie on the ground and then assaulted the man with the weapon.
The intruders demanded money and then ransacked the house, stealing money, jewellery and a mobile phone.
The victim was treated in hospital for facial injuries.
The offenders are all described as Aboriginal in appearance aged between 20-30 years, all were wearing hoods with material over their faces.
One of the men is described as having his upper teeth missing, anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Latest Comments:
Its becoming all too familiar isn’t it? Men of Aboriginal appearance, in car chase, home invasions, man robbed in carpark, robbery at ATM. Time to get tough Judges, they are obviously not getting the message. Of course i am going to be labelled a racist aren’t I? Never mind the victims lets feel sorry for the perpertrators.
Posted by: David of Adelaide
David of Adelaide, no you are not a racist. You are totally correct.
Posted by: Sarah
We are not safe in our own homes anymore! What is wrong with those people? We need more police on our streets. We need harsher penalties for these people. They simply don’t care about anything or anyone but themselves. Mr Rudd can I buy back my shotgun please? NOW?
Posted by: Luke
Hope the Police and judiciary takes some drastic measures quickly to end this menance before some innocent life is lost. If you are not safe inside your own house then what the city is coming to. The culprits don’t have any respect for human lives and they don’t should not come under any humanitarian considerations when they are dealt with.
Posted by: Graham Phillips of Adelaide
I think why this Government is not getting tougher on this type of criminal is because of political correctness, they are the “untouchables”!
Posted by: Mike P
David of Adelaide…well said mate! too much time is spent making excuses for why they committ the crime! its time that the judges and government put an end to this madness otherwise people will start taking the law into their own hands…
Posted by: ninja_turtle of null
Must be the Gang of 4 — oops, belonging to the gang of 49 — still 49 eh
Posted by: MAC of ADELAIDE
The government wants to build a new hospital. Build it, renovate the old one with bars on the windows for these thugs.
Posted by: Peter of SA
what they did is bad. but there PLENTY more of what happens, and much worse. anyway, the majority of you commenters are RACISTS! leave. just *** off.
Posted by: nic of adelaide
Refusing to do anything about out of control crime just because the perpetrators are aboriginal is racism in itself. The Minister for Multicultural Affairs & Attorney General, Michael Atkinson has a lot to answer for.
Posted by Cailen Cambeul of Adelaide
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